
Your Life in Your Hands

£4,000 grant for equipment and website, business planning advice and marketing and presentation guidance.

About Your Life in Your Hands

A social entrepreneur who provides mobile health and well-being assessments in Suffolk has undergone a rigorous business health-check with the New Anglia Growth Hub. 

The advice she received, which focused on business planning, pitch presentation techniques and grant application support, led her to become a finalist for the Woman Entrepreneur of the Year Awards at the Suffolk Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) Awards.

Shirley Powell, who is a former nurse, established Your Life in Your Hands after more than 30 years’ experience in the health industry.   The company provides individuals with the tools they need to take care of their physical and mental well-being.  

This includes diagnostic assessments to test for risk of heart disease, stroke and blood pressure.   She also provides free health screening checks for those who are homeless or socially disadvantaged, funded by her commercial work.

Business Planning

Growth Hub Business Adviser, William Millar helped Shirley to refine her business plan, whilst grant funding opportunities were identified from the Lloyds Bank Social Entrepreneurship Programme.   Applicants were required to take part in a Dragon’s Den style pitch event and the Growth Hub gave Shirley coaching so she could deliver a clear and compelling presentation.  As a result, she secured £4,000 to help purchase equipment and set up the company website.  

“The support I received from the Growth Hub was immense,” she said.   “From the outset, they helped me establish sound business principles, identified areas of expertise I needed most help with and gave me the right tools to build really solid foundations. Always approachable, supportive and empathetic, they made great efforts to make sure I was able to implement their suggestions.”

As a result of the support of New Anglia Growth Hub, Your Life in Your Hands is now a business in tip top condition.

Get in touch to find out how the New Anglia Growth Hub could help you.  Call 0300 333 6536 or email

The support I received from the Growth Hub was immense. From the outset, they helped me establish sound business principles, identified areas of expertise I needed most help with and gave me the right tools to build really solid foundations.Shirley Powell

OwnerYour Life in Your Hands

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