High Growth Network

What is the High Growth Network?


Our flagship Programme is the High Growth Network


The High Growth Network (HGN) programme is a brand new, fully funded scheme designed to help small businesses in Suffolk and Norfolk learn critical business skills and create strong networks with like-minded peers.

Upon completion, businesses will have produced their own actionable business plan to support their high growth over the coming 12 months. 

Register your interest for this tailored and free programme.

How does it work?

Participants will join the scheme in cohorts of up to eight businesses each. Each fortnight, they will meet virtually for 2.5-hour workshop and peer learning sessions to work through a comprehensive syllabus of critical business skills. The programme is designed to fit in around the day-to-day running of your business and provide real-time implementation of the concepts being taught. Our Scale-Up Adviser Theo Kaciubskyj explains more about the High Growth Network and Scale Programmes. Normally, this type of programme cost £1,000s so don’t miss out.

Who is it for?

The HGN Programme is for small business owners, or their senior management, looking for clarity and direction to grow their businesses to 6 or 7 figures in the next 12 months.  Any industry is welcome, and the cohorts will consist of mixed sectors to maximise the peer learning opportunities. 


  • Be committed to the full 12-week programme that consists of six fortnightly sessions of 2.5 hours each.
  • Be based in Norfolk or Suffolk or be looking to bring economic activity to the region with a second business premises.
  • Employ 3 or more staff.
  • Be looking to increase their revenue to 6 or 7 figures in the next 12 months.
  • Have at least 12 months of trading to date.

What to expect:

During your time on the course, you will be involved in:  

Critical skills workshops – run by New Anglia Growth Hub’s Business Advisers as well as industry experts

Peer learning and networking – you will be connected with other small business leaders through facilitated small group video calls, in which you can share your experiences on the module content, and work together to develop your Business Plan.  

1:1 support – you will receive additional 1:1 support in the form on scheduled Zoom sessions to help you apply what you learn, and they will support you to develop your unique Business Plan. The sessions are designed to keep you accountable, challenge your thinking and a great way to sound out the viability of your ideas. 

What’s in it for your business?

After 12 weeks and 15 hours of supported learning, you will have developed a Business Plan – one that is uniquely tailored to helping you to lead and grow your business.  During the Programme, you will have access to all of New Anglia Growth Hub’s resources including Business Growth Advisers, specialist Skills Advisers as well as your peer network and the Scale Up New Anglia alumni.   

Programme overview

The High Growth Network Programme has been designed so that you establish your personal and business goals in Session 1 of the curriculum.  Over the next five sessions, and with the support of your course facilitator and peers, you will create a strategy to achieve these goals in the following 12 months.

Session 1 – Setting Strategic Goals

Session 2 – Financial Management

Session 3 – Marketing Strategy

Session 4 – Sales Strategy

Session 5 – Operations Strategy

Session 6 – The Business Plan


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