
Spotlight on Jamie Bird, Engagement Adviser for Norfolk

What attracted you to the role and can you tell me more about it?

Previously, I worked in a compliance and administrative role for the Growth Hub but I was eager to engage more with clients which led me to take a professional qualification to support my role as an Adviser. My current role involves taking the incoming calls and emails from the public and identifying the most appropriate source of support for their needs and completing a registration process with the client which is required for our funding.

What is the most asked question or query you have had?

The majority of enquiries I receive are usually regarding if there’s grant funding available to support their business and growth.

How do you and the team support Norfolk businesses?

We offer a one-to-one service where we take time to understand the client’s needs and use our wealth of knowledge and experience to find the most suitable source of support.

What do you like most about working as part of the Growth Hub team?

I really enjoy the supportive and collaborative working environment that the Growth Hub and New Anglia LEP provide.

What has been the best client success story for you and why?

I worked with a client that ran a photography business and while I couldn’t support them with their main enquiry, I managed to provide alternative sources of help and advice. As an experienced photographer myself, I was able to use my own knowledge to support them. The client was very grateful for my recommendations and mentioned that I had given them a new perspective on a type of funding they hadn’t considered before.

What do you think makes Norfolk and Suffolk an exciting place to have a business?

There’s very good travel links with major cities and the region offers various hubs and clusters for different sectors including digital technology, food and drink and agriculture, to name a few. There’re also two nationally recognised universities that can collaborate with growing businesses.

Norfolk and Suffolk also offer a lot to do outside of work, including many towns and villages to enjoy, Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty to explore, and a rich history and culture to experience.

What inspires you in your working life and why?

I take a lot of pride in having a positive impact on the region where I‘ve grown up, and to help these two counties become a better place to work and live.

What do you enjoy in your leisure time?

My main hobby is landscape and wildlife photography which I have been doing for over nine years. I’m a member of the Ipswich & District Photographic Society which has really helped to improve my skills and my work has been exhibited in the Ipswich Town Hall and featured in a number of publications.

What is the best way to get in touch with you and the team about support? And how soon do I get a reply?

At the Growth Hub we try to make it as easy as possible to get in touch. You’re welcome to email us at, call on 0300 333 6536, or fill in our Contact Us form.
We are always keen to hear from you and we will be back in touch as soon as possible.

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