
Made by the Forge

“I’ve found the Growth Hub indispensable. They’re a sounding board for my business.”

Watch our video case study

Owner, Richard Fishenden, tells us about his experience working with New Anglia Growth Hub. Click on the Play button below to find out more about the support Made by the Forge received or read the story below.

Forging ahead

Richard Fishenden, owner of Made by the Forge, first contacted the New Anglia Growth Hub in 2015 and has developed a long-term relationship with the organisation, which he describes as being “like a marriage.”

Richard started his career as a farrier spending 10 years shoeing horses.  Though he loved the work, Richard said, “It tough work bending over horses hooves and I didn’t want a hunched back.  I needed an exit strategy.”  

Business Development

So, fascinated with creating decorative metalwork, Richard set up Ipswich-based Made by the Forge in 2006.  He creates bespoke, detailed, wrought-iron artefacts for the home and garden, including curtain poles, kitchen racks and garden gates.  Though many clients are individuals, his light fittings have featured at the entrance of Heals’ flagship furniture and lighting store in London and he has secured a valuable trade client in Norway.

Working with New Anglia Growth Hub adviser William Millar, Richard successfully secured almost £3,000 in grant funding, which enabled him to purchase a new spraying system to paint metalwork and an air extraction system for his premises.  He also attended a range of Growth Hub workshops, including those featuring finance and time management, ensuring his newly learnt systems were put into place immediately. 

“I’ve found the Growth Hub indispensable,” said Richard.  “It’s like a marriage.  They’re a sounding board for my business, and I know that I can call upon them anytime for the advice and support I need.”


Most recently, Growth Hub business advisor Morgan Potter has referred Richard to the Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses programme.  This is a free, intensive four-month business training scheme led by industry experts, to help transform businesses.

Transformation is key to the company’s future growth.  Already employing five people, the aim is to forge ahead, trebling the size of the business in five years, to employ thirteen people, with an ambition to develop the US market.

The Growth Hub is, once again, on hand, exploring opportunities with Richard, for the development of a new industrial unit on an Enterprise Zone, as the long-term relationship continues to flourish.

Get in touch to find out how the New Anglia Growth Hub could help you.  Call 0300 333 6536 or email

I’ve found the Growth Hub indispensable. It’s like a marriage. They’re a sounding board for my business, and I know that I can call upon them anytime for the advice and support I need.Richard Fishenden

OwnerMade by the Forge

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