

Secured £12,500 to support an expanding workforce.

About Liquidline

Liquidline is a thriving company which has secured funding as a result of expert advice provided by New Anglia Growth Hub.  This has helped provide furniture and create a ‘green room’ for employees where they can relax and hold informal meetings.  Not only has this improved the comfort and wellbeing of staff, but it has also improved their productivity.

As a start-up company supplying water coolers in offices in Suffolk, Liquidline have expanded their drinks refreshment product range ten-fold and now have offices based in Ipswich, London, Manchester, Coventry and Yeovil.

Improving the Office Environment

The company provides barista quality coffee and drinks to offices, hotels and garages and aims treble in size over the next three years as the UK’s ‘coffee culture’ industry continues to boom.  Liquidline staff frequently talk to clients about how their refreshments help the well-being of employees and decided to ‘put their money where their mouth is’ and improve the office environment for their own workforce.

Growth Hub Business Adviser William Millar worked closely with Liquidline to take them through the grant application process.

“William was really helpful.  He gave us lots of advice on grants we could apply for and pulled the application together.” said Vanessa Murray, the company’s Head of Marketing.  “With new staff coming on board the grant has been key to Liquidline’s growth.”

Get in touch to find out how the New Anglia Growth Hub could help you.  Call 0300 333 6536 or email

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