
Growth Pathways launched to help businesses scale up fast

Expert-led events aimed at bringing growing businesses together with key support organisations have been launched by Scale Up New Anglia.

Invest East, Innovate 2 Succeed and Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses Programme are just some of those taking part in Growth Pathways, for which business in Norfolk and Suffolk are being invited to register.
Scale Up New Anglia is managed by New Anglia Growth Hub and the events are designed to help growing ‘silver’ enterprises with strong growth ambitions develop into thriving ‘gold’ firms with the help of industry leaders, business development experts and knowledgeable trainers.

The programme also strives to develop a community of like-minded business leaders across the region who are eager to grow, along with those who have successfully scaled their company and can give a first-hand insight into the challenges they may face and how to overcome them.

Eligible businesses will go through several key phases aimed at helping them strategise and execute their acceleration plans, with each area split into ‘pathways’ depending on their business needs and growth stage. The different pathways include:

  • Scale Up Mastermind: Six bi-monthly discussion meetings focussing on peer-peer learning and community support for leader’s personal growth and development for company growth.
  • Silver to Gold Growth: Six monthly traditional style workshops with group discussion and interactive sessions focussing on strategic development for growth.
  • Growth Masterclasses: Specialist workshops focussing on specific growth topics which can be taken as a stand-alone workshop or complement the learning on the other pathways.

Through these pathways, companies will benefit from peer to peer learning and collaboration, as well as gaining access to expertise and networks provided by Scale Up New Anglia and its partners. The programme, fully funded by ERDF and BEIS, has been designed so that participants can continue to run their businesses while on the programme, due to each session lasting half a day.

Companies on the Growth Pathways scheme have the opportunity to work with a range of top growth support organisations including: New Anglia Growth Hub Business and Skills Advisers, Invest East, Goldman Sachs, Innovate 2 Succeed, Innovate UK, Supply Chain Analysis, Future50, Tech Nation, Barclays Scale Up UK Programme, NatWest Business Hub and Enterprise Nation.

Dr Morgan Potter, High Growth Manager at New Anglia Growth Hub, said: “Following the success of our recent Scale Up events, we’re pleased to offer a unique opportunity to Norfolk and Suffolk businesses with high growth potential, helping them to reach the next crucial stage in their development.

“Businesses that Scale Up New Anglia have worked with so far have shown our region is home to some of the most skilled, ambitious and innovative companies. Our Growth Pathways are designed to help those businesses, by opening doors to our diverse network of growth specialists, which will allow them to grow rapidly and successfully.

“We’re delighted to be working with such a talented community of organisations to help us achieve this.”

Saffron Myhill-Hunt, Manager of the Invest East Investment Readiness Programme, said: “We see a vast range of exciting and ambitious business founders who want to learn everything they can to ensure their success and growth. The Scale Up New Anglia Growth Pathways is a fantastic initiative which will help businesses connect with the most useful knowledge and experience available to help them.”

Businesses interested in joining the Scale Up New Anglia high-growth programme are invited to indicate their interest by registering at: or calling New Anglia Growth Hub on 0300 333 6536.

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