
Growth Hub celebrates seven years supporting thousands of local businesses

New Anglia Growth Hub is celebrating seven years of providing business support to thousands of SMEs across Norfolk and Suffolk.

Initiated by the New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) and managed by Suffolk Chamber of Commerce, New Anglia Growth Hub was set up in 2014 to provide free face-to-face support to businesses across Norfolk and Suffolk.

Since then, its team of dedicated advisers have engaged with almost 12,000 businesses and have awarded over £40m worth of grants, helping to create thousands of jobs across the region.

Mags Oakley was the first member of the Growth Hub team: “When I joined on 21st May 2014 the New Anglia Growth Hub was a new initiative to support businesses in Norfolk and Suffolk, to help them navigate through the maze of government-funded support that is available and to assist SMEs in our region to grow and reach their full potential.”

“Our team were recruited and we had a week of intensive training around the support programmes that were available and met many of our partners in that first week, some we are still working with today.”

“What started as a one year contract is still going strong 7 years later and we look forward to helping many more businesses on their journey to success.”

To contact the New Anglia Growth Hub team and speak to a Business Adviser, call 0300 333 6536 or email

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