
Alpha Inclusion

£5,143 grant from the Small Grant Scheme to purchase equipment for Block Bus mobile learning centre and marketing advice.

New Venture

A bus has been transformed into a mobile learning centre for children, as a result of a grant of more than £5,000.  Secured with the support of the New Anglia Growth Hub, the funding has helped drive forward the project; assisting both pupils and teachers across East Anglia and opening the door to new corporate markets.

Block Bus is the brainchild of Amy Eleftheriades owner of education company Alpha Inclusion.  The bus provides a safe space for children with learning difficulties and autism, to develop communication and social skills, through building block activities, known as ‘Lego Therapy’.   

A Drive for Success

Block Bus visits a dozen schools regularly and train teachers in building block activities in many in schools across the region.  The company has also diversified into a new market providing Block Bus as an events space for business team-building.  

This new venture will enable funding from the corporate side of the business to support Amy’s work with schools and additional projects.

Growth Hub Business Adviser, Robert Turnball helped Amy through the process of applying for a Small Business Grant to equip the Bus and gave her sound marketing advice to enable her sell the benefits of Block Bus to her target audiences.  With £5,000 grant funding secured to equip the Bus, the project has driven forward at pace. 

“It was great to have Robert’s support at this stage of the business’s development,” said Amy. “He was experienced in the market I operate in, identified some valuable contacts and having Block Bus has been a business-changing event.”

Read about The Block Bus launch here.

See the BBC coverage here.

Get in touch to find out how the New Anglia Growth Hub could help you.  Call 0300 333 6536 or email

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