
A Spotlight On: Jamie Bird, Business Support Officer

We spoke to our Business Support Officer, Jamie Bird, to find out more about his role, likes and challenges here at New Anglia Growth Hub and a snapshot of what he gets up to outside of work.

When did you join New Anglia Growth Hub and tell us about your role?
I joined in March 2018. My first task involved performing the due diligence on applications for a mentoring scheme that was funded by BEIS for a short while. This was a great first step into meeting the team and gaining an understanding of the work the Growth Hub provides. I then progressed to the role I do now, where I perform the due diligence on the client engagement records that the client and advisers complete to acknowledge the time the Growth Hub has spent with them. My role also involves completing reports and ensuring our CRM system is maintained to a high standard. There’s a lot of paperwork involved, but I have a brilliant team working with me and it’s great to know we’re supporting so many fantastic businesses!

What’s the most rewarding part of working at the Growth Hub?
From time to time I get the opportunity to talk to business owners who call into the Growth Hub for advice. I find it very rewarding when I’m able to learn more about their business and provide support and guidance.

And the most challenging?
It’s when I can’t help a client with a specific query, such as a grant for which they are ineligible. However, the Growth Hub always aims to provide some form of support, which is why it’s always worth reaching out to us – there’s always a way in which we can help.

What valuable skills or lessons have you learned during your time here?
I’ve learned a lot about people and how to work with people. Working at New Anglia Growth Hub has also taught me how to refine my organisational skills and how to prioritise multiple tasks, as it can get quite busy.

Tell us something people might not know about New Anglia Growth Hub?
The Growth Hub has guaranteed funding until September 2021 which is great news.

To you, what’s most surprising about the different businesses we have here in Suffolk and Norfolk?
One of the things I’ve learnt about is just how thriving the food and drink industry is in this region. Our region is home to so many small and unique businesses across lots of exciting industries and I really enjoy learning about them. Norfolk and Suffolk are packed full of surprises!

What do you like to get up to in your spare time?
I am a keen landscape and wildlife photographer. I often go out to take pictures of the sunrise along the Suffolk coast or to a local nature reserve to get pictures of insects, birds and flowers. In my lunch break, I often visit the river outside our office to see what birds are around. We often have swans, oystercatchers and sometimes a kingfisher or cormorant.

And lastly, what three things could you not live without and why?
1. My camera – so I can take pictures
2. My phone – so I can listen to music
3. My colleagues – who make working at the Growth Hub so enjoyable!

Thank you, Jamie, for telling us about your role here at New Anglia Growth Hub and sharing a bit about yourself.

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