
“People and skills: at the epicentre of our campaigning”

Reflecting the growing importance of the ‘human element’ in securing the county’s long-term sustainable prosperity, Suffolk Chamber of Commerce has launched its new People & Skills Group (PSG).

Chaired by Richard Brame, managing director of Ipswich-based insurance giant Willis Towers Watson, the PSG is open to Suffolk Chamber members by invitation and currently includes representatives from a wide range of interested businesses, public sector organisations, all of the county’s FE colleges and the University of Suffolk.

The Group has a remit to both develop and support the delivery of the Chamber’s ‘People’ policy objectives contained in its manifesto and examine best practice from leading practitioners within and outside Suffolk.

The PSG will consider four productivity-related themes:

  • Ensuring a smoother transition between the worlds of education and work for new employees
  • Improving the skills and development of established employees
  • Boosting the physical and mental health and wellbeing of all employees and business owners/management teams
  • Securing the maximum benefit to Suffolk of the skills uplift for major infrastructure projects in the county

 The first meeting of the PSG was held last month and included interesting presentations from Jane Gratton, head of skills at the British Chambers of Commerce on the Workplace Training & Development Commission’s report and Suffolk County Council’s Charlotte Wright about the Supply Chain Skills Development Fund.

Richard Brame said: “The PSG is certainly a talking shop but with a purpose! It will be the premier forum in the county for sharing best practice, for hearing from local and national policymakers and thought leaders and to assist Suffolk Chamber in delivering its ‘People’ manifesto objectives.

“As we enter into what we all hope will be a post-pandemic renewal, Suffolk has a golden opportunity to establish itself as one of the country’s most innovative and productive areas.

“Therefore, people and skills will certainly be at the epicentre of Suffolk Chamber’s campaigning for years to come.”

For further information about the People & Skills Group:

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